Important information that you need to know to visit Borobudur Temple, tickets, updated activities, please read on the following information.
Did you know that Borobudur Temple is one of the historical sites in Indonesia? Yes, Borobudur Temple is a historical heritage located in Indonesia, to be precise in Magelang, precisely on Jl. Badrawati, KW. Borobudur Temple, Borobudur District, Magelang Regency, Central Java. not Yogyakarta. But you can visit this place by exploring Yogyakarta, of course.
Let’s continue to read information about Borobudur Temple which we will summarize in the following information.

What is so Special about Borobudur temple?
One of the cultural heritage of Indonesia that you need to know about is the Borobudur Temple. The largest Buddhist heritage temple in the world was in 780-840 AD.
The relics in this temple are more precisely named the Sailendra Dynasty which has 4 Buddhist beliefs, and whose buildings symbolize the universe.
The symbol of this building you need to know is that there is a building in the form of 4 squares for the entrance and a circle at the center point, and interesting facts that you need to know. This temple is divided into 2 parts, namely the natural world or universe and the natural world of Nirvana in the sense of life.
Another interesting thing that you need to know about the building of this temple is that this temple has 3 zones that symbolize different meanings, of course, namely Kamadhatu, Rupadhatu, and Arupadhatu.
Zone 1 Kamadhatu
This Kamadhatu Zone is a zone that is currently being experienced by humans or causes and effects. You will see that there are 160 Karmawibhangga Sutra reliefs which means the law of cause and effect.
We can also see the contents of the temple building because there is 1 relief that is intentionally permanently open for tourists to see. This relief also has an important message regarding the nature and desires that exist in humans, such as raping, robbing, slander, and torture.
You also have to visit the Museum which is in the Borobudur Archaeological Park, to see 160 reliefs.
Zone 2 Rupadhatu
Rupadathu is a symbol of the transitional realm in which humans are liberated from the natural world.
In this zone, you will know that there are 3 types, namely Gandhawyuha, Lalitawistara, Jataka, and Awadana which have 1300 reliefs. In this relief, there are 328 Buddha statues that have carvings inside.
Zone 3 Arupadhatu
Arupadhatu is the highest realm or house of god which has such a meaning. This is the highest peak or purity and there is no ornate ornament in it.
This stupa was once debated, that the Arupadhatu building had no ornaments in it, and some said this stupa was just empty. Uniquely, this relief contains 504 Buddhist statues along the temple.
How to get to Borobudur Temple?
If you want to visit this place, you need to know that the closest locations to international flights are Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. You can also follow flight schedules to Yogyakarta or Semarang.
To get here there are many choices, we will conclude for those of you who want to visit this place.
- By Bus If you come from YIA (Yogyakarta International Airport), you can immediately take the bus that says “Damri”, there is already a special route from the airport to Borobudur Temple.
- If you are already in Yogyakarta, you want to visit the location, you can go straight to the Jombor bus terminal and look for the destination Borobudur. This bus is a small bus and the estimated distance is 1 hour and the price is only IDR 10,000 cash only.
- By Car, You can use a private vehicle or order a car online, such as car rental or grab car/ Gocar/ Maxim.
- By bus from Magelang to Yogyakarta. You can take a bus with an estimated 3.5 hours to get there.
How much is the Borobudur Temple ticket?
We will provide the best information for those of you who want to visit Borobudur Temple. Please continue reading the following information that we have summarized below.
For the price of domestic tourists per person for one entry
Adults: IDR 48,000
Children 3 to 10 years: IDR 25,000
Foreigner tourists: 208,000
For more details, you can visit this site or book here.
To visit this temple you need to bring mineral water because if the weather is hot, the stones will also be hot and it’s very hot if the weather is hot and wear polite clothes. To visit this location it is better to come early in the morning or you can also watch the sunrise.
Operational hours: Monday – Sunday 06.30 am – 5.00 pm.
You also need to pay attention that the last redeemed ticket is only limited to 4.00 p.m.

What to Do in Borobudur Temple?
You want to spend your time here with friends and family, you can read important information if you want to do activities here, as follows.
Lumbini Park
Lumbini Park has an area of 70 x 65 meters and is perfect for those of you who want to rest or enjoy the hustle and bustle of the scenery around the temple.
Lumbini Park is also often used as a wedding event for artists because of its beautiful scenery. You can also enjoy the day around this park by reading books, taking pictures, and doing other things.
You can visit the Gusbi museum which is one of the many historical objects that have won world records and other unique objects in this museum. Make sure you can visit this museum while you have plenty of time.
Samudraraksa Ship Museum
To visit this museum, you need to pay IDR 100,000 for the entrance ticket. You will be told a story about a ship that sailed from Africa to Indonesia at that time. You can visit this place, and this place is not far from Lumbini Park.
Borobudur Museum
The Borobudur Museum is located not far from the Samudra Raksa Museum. You can visit this place after or before the Samudraraksa Museum. To go to this location, just follow the exit sign from the temple, then you will meet this place.
You also need to remember that in this Borobudur museum there is another side, which means that you can see the hidden side of the temple through photos.
After you spend time there, you will also be presented with various kinds of souvenirs or souvenir items or typical food. You can also buy it and try it to taste local Javanese food.
Odong Odong Train
Are you strong enough to surround this temple building? don’t worry, because here you can take the odong – odong train and you only need to pay IDR 7,500 by taking this train, you won’t be too hot and you won’t be too tired either.
Before you get on, make sure you ask for the exact price. You also need to bring lots of drinks because the weather here is hot and it will feel very hot. Make sure you wear protective clothing or some cream for your skin if it is sensitive to the sun.

When you want to come here, you should buy tickets through several online sites that we have summarized. Because it will make it easier for you to visit and only exchange tickets after arriving.
Wear sunscreen and comfortable footwear, because the weather here can be very hot, and bring drinking water. This temple was once included in the 7 wonders of the world and the unique fact is that Indonesia is a country with a predominantly Muslim population and here has a Buddhist temple.
If you are curious, please come directly to the location to feel the energy and also a complete historical story. We have also prepared several articles for you that you can read if you are on vacation or spending time in Indonesia.
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