Announcement of Joyland Festival 2023 update information which you can see details here, ticket prices, singers, locations, and more.
You can see the announcement of the Joyland Festival 2023 which will take place in Bali now, and is the first headliner for the 2023 edition.
Phoenix is one of the first headliners for 2023 that was only announced on November 22, 2022.
What is Joyland?
Joyland is one of the festival’s music events where there are various music bands.
French pop-rock bands at the Joyland festival will also take place on March 17, 18, and 19 2023.
The location where this event will take place has yet to be announced. Check out the following.

Where Can Buy Joyland Tickets?
You can find tickets for the Joyland Festival at, GoTix.
It has also been announced that the event will be held in a green open space.
In various venues, there are art exhibitions, comedy events, film events, workshops with many artists, as well as food or shopping bazaars.
This activity will certainly be enjoyed by visitors later and can spend time with friends and loved ones.
How much does it Cost?
The ticket price starts from Rp 388,000, and you can buy this ticket on the official website purchase account.
The organizers are not responsible if there are visitors who have invalid tickets.
Visitors are also required to bring a KTP/ID Card or Passport when they want to exchange the tickets that they have purchased.
For ticket information, just show the softcopy, no need to print it.
Is Joyland Festival Worth a visit?
This Joyland Festival is really worth it if you really like the world of music, musicians, and artist events which certainly won’t disappoint.
This event also involved the President of the Republic of Indonesia who inaugurated this event.
Of course, it will be fun to spend your time with friends and also your partner in this music event.
In addition, this Joyland event has been a success year after year, and visitors as well as other musicians have had a good experience.
For more updates, you can also check Joyland Instagram.

Final Thoughts
Related information will be updated regularly, and don’t miss other information for the next lineup.
Watching Joyland with friends or lovers in Bali, you can also spend time together, please check the following article for you.
If you have related information about this Joyland, let us know immediately in the comments column below.
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